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15 April 2008

Belarus, Poland sign agreement on business cooperation

The entrepreneurship department of the Belarusian Economy Ministry and the Polish Agency for Business Development have signed an agreement on cooperation in small and middle-sized businesses. The document has been signed in Warsaw during the first session of the joint Belarusian-Polish Commission for Economic Cooperation, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Belarusian Economy Ministry. The Polish side has been proposed the draft plan of the measures dealing with the implementation of the agreement. The document envisages the experience exchange in the sphere of support of small and middle-sized businesses including legislation initiatives, programmes, projects and other strategic documents relating to implementation of the state policy in this area of the economy. The sides will also share experience of financial and credit support for small and middle-sized businesses. The two sides intend to implement the programmes on training and professional retraining the businessmen and state officials who are engaged in forming the state policy in the field of development and support of small and middle-sized business. Moreover, the two sides have agreed that the entrepreneurship department of the Belarusian Economy Ministry and the Polish Agency for Business Development will distribute the specialized databases for small and middle-sized businesses (investment projects, catalogues and others) via information resources. The two sides will develop various forms of the cooperation between small and middle-sized businesses of Belarus and Poland including such areas as innovation cooperation, subcontract relations and others.
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