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23 July 2010

Belarus President: everything for people

GRODNO, 23 July (BelTA) – The government will not abandon principles of the people-oriented economy, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a government session held on 23 July to discuss development prospects of the chemical company Grodno Azot. “Plainly speaking, the essence of our policy is that all these ammonia, carbamide, screw nuts, cows, bulls are nothing before people. Everything must serve people. Manufacturing indeed matters but only when it serves people. We have been pursuing the policy for 15 years and will not abandon it,” said the President. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that manufacturing effectiveness cannot be increased at any price. He is convinced that there is nothing wrong with putting some social load on Belarusian enterprises. “Apart from salaries every man should get an ability to go to sanatoriums. But children are the most important thing. Working people should be able to allow their kids to go to kindergartens and schools and the company should be responsible for it. It is the top goal of any person and no market relations will be able to substitute it”.

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