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11 March 2008

Belarus ready to discuss any cooperation projects with Great Britain, Vladimir Semashko says

Belarus is ready to discuss any cooperation projects with Great Britain, First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko said during a meeting with Cecil Parkinson, a member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament, in Minsk on March 11. Attending the meeting are Industry Ministry of Belarus Anatoly Rusetsky, Deputy Economy Minister Andrei Tur, chief of the Belneftekhim concern Valery Kazakevich. “We are ready to discuss concrete projects and areas of joint work,” Vladimir Semashko said. According to him, two weeks after the visit the list of cooperation projects with Great Britain will have been compiled. In turn, Lord Cecil Parkinson said that “he is impressed with the progress Belarus has made and the people he has met”. “We have identified the areas which we would like to cooperate in and where our participation will bring benefits to your country,” he said. Cecil Parkinson thanked the Belarusian side for the warm welcome. “Though we have spent here just 36 hours, I have the impression we have been in Belarus for several weeks,” he added.
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