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17 April 2008

Belarus ready to scrap 12-year school scheme

The government is ready to scrap the 12-year school education scheme if it is found unviable, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a government session held on April 17 to discuss the viability of 12-year-long secondary school education. The head of state pointed out both education and healthcare are part of the vital interests everyone has, which is why any wrong decisions hurt the entire society. As the problem is topical, the government session gathered not only representatives of the Education Ministry but also pedagogues and scientists, parents, heads of national and oblast administration bodies. Results of a large-scale sociological survey performed to find out the nation’s view on the 12-year school education scheme, including views of school teachers, will be revealed. The President also said he had asked individual parents, including top officials, to present their views and to get opinions of teachers and school directors about the 12-year school education scheme. “They sometimes say that specialists should have the deciding vote in such issues, not the public opinion. It is not totally true in this case. Certainly it would be senseless to arrange a nationwide poll on methods used to treat complex diseases. But in such matters as school education opinion of the society as a whole should be taken into account,” remarked Alexander Lukashenko. Now it is time to consider the problem in its entire complexity, taking into account its influence on the society. “It is time to make the final decision. Even if we made a mistake and it will cost us dearly, it will be justified in the long run,” said the President. Children, the country’s future, are under consideration and education issues prevail in this area. “If we find out we were wrong in some things, we will have to stop in due time and follow the right way regardless of expenses,” underlined Alexander Lukashenko. In particular, questions whether kids are wiser and healthier if they start going to school at six and spend twelve years doing it, whether the society needs the 12-year school education and specialist schools that much, how much every additional school year costs to the state, what social, moral and legal consequences will be brought about by making quite adult people stay in school need answers. Alexander Lukashenko remarked, after considering the problem in its entirety a wise and well-thought-out decision should be taken for the benefit of the state and each and every family.
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