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9 September 2008

Belarus, Vologda region intend to intensify production cooperation

Belarus and the Vologda region of the Russian Federation intend to intensify the production cooperation including by means of joint projects in agricultural machinery, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko noted during his meeting with Governor of the Vologda region Viacheslav Pozgalev on September 9. According to the Head of State, the cooperation between Belarus and the Vologda region has been discussed in details during the negotiations of the Vologda delegation with a number of Belarusian companies. According to him, the visits of big delegations from Russian regions give a powerful impetus to development of the bilateral relations. “We would not have such relations between the two countries if did not have this close cooperation with the Russian regions,” Alexander Lukashenko noted. Belarus considers the visit of the Vologda Governor as an important constituent of the further strengthening of the Belarusian-Russian relations, the Head of State noted. The President stressed, “Russia has been the main strategic partner of Belarus and will remain so. The policy of the close and all-round integration based on the aspiration to live and act together meets the interests of our countries and our peoples.” Alexander Lukashenko noted the growing trade and economic relations between Belarus and the Vologda region. In 2007, the trade between this country and the Russian region hit $375 million. In H1 2008, the trade upped by almost 30% over the same period last year. The President also said that in 2008 the trade between Belarus and the Russian Federation may reach $30 billion. “These figures show at what level the relations between Belarus and Russia are,” the Head of State highlighted. We have already identified the basic targets for the near-term perspective, Alexander Lukashenko noted. According to him, the Vologda region does not only purchase Belarusian goods, it is a starting point to advance Belarusian products to the neighboring Russian regions. “We are thankful for your helping us in promoting our goods to the Russian huge market,” the President said. The Head of State noted that the work of the joint commission on cooperation development between Belarus and the Vologda region will contribute to further intensification of the relations. The President is sure that the role of the commission will be growing. According to him, the strong economic ties promote the cooperation in culture, education, health care system and sport. During the talks with the Vologda Governor Alexander Lukashenko also noted that it is important to agree the actions in the preparation for the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

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