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8 October 2009

Belarusian Railways urged to reach cutting-edge standards

MINSK, 8 October (BelTA) – Belarusian Railways should reach cutting-edge standards, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as Head of Belarusian Railways Anatoly Sivak presented his report on 8 October. The head of state reminded that Belarusian Railways is an important part of the international transportation system. It is an intersection of transit transportation from the east to the west and from the north to the south, this is why Belarusian Railways standards are so important. “While we used to speak about the track more, forgetting everything else around it, today we have to speak about logistics as well,” said the President. Smooth and effective operation of the railway system is a necessary condition for dynamic development of the national economy and a factor that positively influences Belarus’ image and respect in the international community, underlined Alexander Lukashenko. The railways are also used to judge the operation of the entire national economy. While cargo transportation dropped at the beginning at the year, it has been on the rise since April. “It is important. It means that the economy starts swaying forth,” said the head of state. The President also remarked upon the arrival of private business in railway transportation. In his opinion, “A private business cannot take away cargo and passenger traffic from Belarusian Railways but should add to it”. The head of state said he wished to hear out a report about the state of things regarding the production of proprietary rolling stock, primarily, cars. Alexander Lukashenko believes that railway transport does not only link the entire national economy together but hugely influences the development of the social sphere. Railway transport accounts for 68% of the total cargo traffic and around 38% of the passenger traffic. The industry also includes industrial and construction companies, trading and agricultural enterprises, cultural, educational, healthcare and sports institutions. All in all, the Belarusian Railways system involves around 115,000 personnel. The President said that starting next week reports from previously appointed executives will have to be presented regularly. The head of state told Anatoly Sivak that he expects the Head of Belarusian Railways to come up with a vision of the railway transport development and proposals to step up its operation.

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