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28 August 2012

Belarusian scientists invent new oil sludge treatment method

GOMEL, 28 August (BelTA) – The Belarusian Oil Research and Design Institute BelNIPIneft affiliated with Belorusneft has come up with a new technology to raise oil reservoir recovery that can also be used for oil sludge treatment, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Institute. A research team led by Dr. Anna Makarevich developed an efficient oil sludge treatment method. Using special compounds oil sludge is pumped into a well as a reagent. The technology does not require any additional equipment. The technology has been patented. Thanks to the new method, Belarus produced 1,350 tonnes of extra oil in 2011. Since the beginning of 2012, the technology helped save over Br3 billion. A number of foreign companies have expressed their interest in the new technology. The solution allows reducing environmental impact of oil production and the cost of nature-conservative efforts. This year BelNIPIneft has received another two patents for invention. BelNIPIneft is one of the leading oil research institutions in the CIS. Its specialists have worked in Western Siberia, Ukraine, Kaliningrad Oblast, Iraq, Algeria, Venezuela and a number of other countries. Its partners include Venezuela’s oil company PDVSA, Russia’s LUKOIL-Komi, Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz, and Slavneft-Megionneftegaz.

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