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7 March 2008

CIS plenipotentiaries to discuss agenda of session of Council of Heads of Government

Permanent plenipotentiary representatives of the CIS member states will discuss the agenda of the forthcoming session of the CIS Council of the Heads of Government in Minsk on March 11, BelTA learnt in the press service of the CIS Executive Committee. The session of the CIS Council of the Heads of Government is expected to be held on May 23 in Minsk. About 20 issues regarding the cooperation of the CIS member states in humanitarian, economic and security areas will be high on session’s agenda. The permanent plenipotentiary representatives are set to discuss the course of implementation of the agreement on status of the documents adopted within the framework of the Commonwealth, the provisions on monitoring of implementation of CIS bodies’ resolutions. These documents are prepared in line with the plan of action on implementation of the CIS development concept.
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