Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



19 October 2011

Gomel heart surgeons to get trained in Italy

GOMEL, 19 October (BelTA) – Doctors of the Gomel Regional Heart Center will receive training at the leading heart centers of Italy. The preliminary arrangement was reached on 19 October during the visit of a delegation of Italian doctors to Gomel, BelTA learnt from Head of the Belarusian center Anna Lopatina. A team of five Belarusian specialists will be trained at the hospitals of Italy’s Massa and Pisa that are famous for their excellent heart surgery facilities. “Training projects are essential for enhancing the qualifications of Belarusian medical professionals. As a rule, the training sessions are held in Belarus and Russia, while now we got an opportunity to receive training in Italy,” Anna Lopatina said. On 19 October, the Italian specialists will tour the Gomel Regional Heart Center. Leading heart surgeon of a hospital in Massa Matteo Ferrarini will hold a lecture for Belarusian doctors and perform an open heart surgery on 20 October. Gomel and Italian specialists cooperate within the framework of the project “Practical training and exchange of medical professionals” under the auspices of the Italian NGOs and charities and the healthcare department of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee.

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