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3 April 2012

Gomeltransneft Druzhba ready for transit of Azeri oil to Poland

MINSK, 3 April (BelTA) – Gomeltransneft Druzhba is technically ready for the transit of the oil Azeri light to Poland, engineer of the operation department at Gomeltransneft Druzhba Vladimir Vorobyov told the international conference “Oil refining and export of the Republic of Belarus” on 3 April, BelTA has learnt. At present, Ukraine is considering the transit of Azerbaijan’s oil along the main oil pipelines Odessa Brody and Druzhba from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports via Belarus to Poland. “We have heard about this route, and this project is technically feasible, all the necessary capacities and conditions are in place,” Vladimir Vorobyov said. In his words, the company is able to simultaneously pump several oil grades. As the company has some spare capacities to pump oil to Poland, it is theoretically interested in the project, the expert said. Gomeltransneft Druzhba will gain from the participation in the project provided it will pump at least six million tonnes. Otherwise, the expenses of the company will equal its revenues.

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