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10 March 2008

Great Britain can become Belarus’ leading investor, Alexander Lukashenko says

In the future Great Britain can become Belarus’ leading investor, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at a meeting with a group of British businessmen headed by Cecil Parkinson, a member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament. “I would like to assure you that everything, we shall agree about with you, will be rigorously implemented. All the agreements will be fulfilled within the shortest possible period,” the President stressed. “You will receive full support for your work on the Belarusian market,” he added. Alexander Lukashenko reminded the guests that in 2007 Great Britain invested around $800 million in the Belarusian economy. Last year’s trade between the two countries reached $2 billion. “This is not much but at the same time not little,” the head of state noted. “Considerable export of Belarusian goods to your country is a good indicator that shows that Belarus has great prospects of advancing into the market of Great Britain,” Alexander Lukashenko said. "Belarus and Great Britain have no problems from the point of view of economic relations," he added. “As for politics, I think that all depends on economy. Therefore I am confident that the stable advancement of our economic dialogue will be followed by a good political dialogue,” the President stressed.
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