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13 June 2008

In 2007, Br170 billion saved due to procurement contract decree

The implementation of the decree on procurement contracts helped save almost Br170 billion of budget funds in 2007, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stated at a session focusing on the improvement of the system of procurement contracts. According to the head of state, the document became a kind of a pillar of the whole system of procurement contracts. The resolutions adopted earlier were brought in line with the decree. Alexander Lukashenko noted that before taking a decision on the draft decree that adjusts the system of procurement contracts which started forming a year and a half ago, it is necessary to hear the opinions of all interested sides, watchdog agencies and experts. The major issue is to learn to what extent the document meets the requirements and whether it will contribute to eliminating red tape and unnecessary protractions. “It is imperative that all phases and elements of the procurement contract procedures should be clear and of unambiguous meaning. Any ambiguity means “uneasy water” that plays into the hands of those who would like to make easy money,” the President said. The head of state underlined that it is necessary to form such a system of procurement contracts when these contracts are transparent, competitive and when budget funds are used rationally and efficiently.
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