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13 September 2010

International commission to assess Belarus’ innovation development

MINSK, 13 September (BelTA) – An international commission will prepare a review of Belarus’ innovation development, Igor Voitov, chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus, told a workshop on the preparation of the review with participation of representatives of the Economic Commission for Europe. The review will be prepared by representatives of the Economic Commission for Europe at the request of the Belarusian government. Igor Voitov noted that Belarus has gained some experience of building up a new model of innovation development. “It is important for us to learn the opinion of foreign experts. We are about to develop new legislation. Also, there are the issues related to the development and adoption of the law on state innovation policy,” Igor Voitov said. The review will focus on the innovation policy and its instruments, the interaction between science and manufacturing sector, funding of innovation entrepreneurship in the country, promising investment projects in the economy, the role of innovation in international economic integration. National experts will be involved in the work of the international commission. Igor Voitov noted that the work on the draft program of innovation development of Belarus for the next five years is nearing completion. Belarus would like to know the opinion of international experts on the impact of the innovation projects implemented in the country as compared with other states, as well as on how to develop the innovation policy in the future. The country is looking to get a fresh look at innovation. “We believe that the main objective of the innovation policy is the creation of a competitive economy based on the comprehensive knowledge,” Igor Voitov said.

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