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30 May 2011

Lukashenko: Belarus needs able and energetic people

MINSK, 30 May (BelTA) – Belarus needs able and energetic people, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as he met with students and talented young Belarusians on 30 May. The Belarusian head of state said that talented people are the engine of the world history. “The Belarusian land is rich in glorious names. Their legacy constitutes unique specimens of architecture, masterpieces of scientific thought, literature and arts. Their legacy is our spiritual pillar and a national pride,” said the Belarus President. “These days our country needs able and talented people. Grand plans can be implemented only by those that generate new ideas and make them come true. Support for talents represents investments in the future”. Alexander Lukashenko said that every child is gifted. It is important to see the gift early and support it. “With this in mind an effective system has been created in Belarus to fully explore and develop abilities of children and young people. Any talent can count on individual support and attention of the state,” stressed the President of Belarus. The head of state remarked that dozens of academic excellence competitions, festivals and contests give ample opportunities to show one’s true worth. This year the number grew with two new television projects – “Children of the New Generation” and “I sing!” that have opened the prominent names the country can be rightfully proud of. “The country gives all of you unique starting opportunities. Use them for your benefit and the benefit of the fatherland. May your medals and prizes earn real benefits for Belarus in time,” Alexander Lukashenko told participants of the event. “We are proud of your successes and place peculiar hopes on you. But remember that if a lot has been given to one, a lot is expected of the one. You have a life ahead of you. Be active and goal-oriented,” added the head of state. The Belarusian head of state also said words of gratitude to the pedagogues, whose efforts have allowed producing the impressive results. In conclusion Alexander Lukashenko presented certificates and lapel badges to winners of various international academic excellence competitions and contests. He also invited everyone to take part in an informal and sincere talk, suggesting they should speak up interesting ideas and proposals.

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