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21 September 2011

Lukashenko confident Belarusian ruble will get stronger

MINSK, 21 September (BelTA) – The Belarusian ruble will get stronger, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the government session held on 21 September to discuss topical issues in the agribusiness industry. “What do we see literally one week after you got purely market relations? To tell you the truth, now Mikhail Myasnikovich and Nadezhda Yermakova should work hard to prevent the US dollar from falling below the targeted level of Br5,000,” remarked the head of state. “I warned that the problems we had on the currency market and hence the consumer market could be attributed to nothing else by panic of some population groups,” remarked the head of state. “I warned you back then that the problems are temporary and you shouldn’t think that life will end with it. We should do our best for life to go on”. Belarusians are great people, stressed the President, they acted fast to change foreign currency for Belarusian rubles while the exchange rate is high. Alexander Lukashenko pointed out that every day enterprises offer more currency for sale at the currency exchange. “This situation has forced us to turn to the right direction, to make corrections. The key meaning of this correction is that there will be no more unwisely spent money. Nobody will pump loads of money into the economy and agriculture,” said the head of state. He added that everyone should count on his or her own resources. “Nobody will get money they haven’t earned,” warned Alexander Lukashenko. “If you want, you can get bank loans. Market approach all the way”. “Our fifth column has tried to shake the state,” said Alexander Lukashenko. “You cannot do it if citizens are fed and clothed. No shaking will get through. The Belarusians are not stupid, they remember what it was like ten years ago and they see how things are now”. The President added: “No, we haven’t done everything. But show me a country that has. But we know what to do and we have said when we will do it. And we will surely do it”.

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