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5 March 2010

Lukashenko: in all spheres Belarusian women display their best qualities – kindness, mercy, professionalism

MINSK, 5 March (BelTA) – President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko congratulated countrywomen on the spring holiday – the Women’s Day, BelTA learnt from the head of state’s press service. “In all spheres of activity of the society and the state, in the various areas of human life, you display your best qualities – kindness and consideration, morality and mercy, high professionalism and responsibility. You nourish the vital forces of the Belarusian people, promote the dynamic progress of education and science, culture and arts, healthcare and sport,” reads the message. “May your talents, work and active citizenship further contribute to the glory, prosperity and beauty of Belarus,” Alexander Lukashenko said.

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