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30 November 2011

Minsk metro bombers sentenced to death

MINSK, 30 November (BelTA) – Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalyov have been sentenced to death for terrorism and aiding and abetting terrorism respectively, BelTA has learned. The two men have been found guilty of the terrorist attack in Minsk’s metro on 11 April 2011. The court verdict took into account the repeated and escalating nature of their crimes. The court recognized them as extremely dangerous for the society. The verdict is not subject to appeal. According to the verdict Vladislav Kovalyov helped Dmitry Konovalov to find a rental apartment in Minsk and deliver the bomb in April 2011. The bomb that rocked Oktyabrskaya station of the Minsk metro used an explosive based on ammonia nitrate and other substances. It weighed at least 12.5kg. About 30g of triacetone triperoxide was used to initiate the explosion. The device had an electric initiator and a safety system. The explosion killed 15 people and injured many more. The operation of the metro service was disrupted. The total damage of the crime is estimated at over Br2 billion. Experts of the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB) have ascertained that the explosive was put into two plastic bottles with the total volume of at least 12 liters. A bag with the volume of at least 15 liters was used to disguise and deliver the device. The experts confirmed the bomb had been detonated remotely. Russia’s FSB has also examined CCTV footage of the metro station. They said the file had not been tampered with. Various degrees of portrait similarity with Konovalov and Kovalyov have been found. The apparel and the appearance of the suspects matched Konovalov’s. The same conclusion was made with regard to Kovalyov. According to the presiding judge, the guilt of the accused has been confirmed by the combination of evidence the court has examined. It took four hours to announce the sentence with a one-hour break.

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