Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



3 January 2011

New Year address to Belarusian people from President of Republic of Belarus

Dear friends, During these minutes of the outgoing year I would like to address the absolute majority of the Belarusian people. Thanks to you I have this unique opportunity to enter the houses of Belarusians, your families with the congratulations and wishes of peace and good. I would like to address my warmest congratulations to the rest as well. You should know: I see you as an integral part of the majority, with your own goals, views and aspirations. You have your own viewpoint, a different interpretation of the world order and the development of the country. This is your right which can be abolished by no one. You also should know: your opinion does matter. We, together with the overwhelming majority, will protect you and you views. We will seek the ways to your minds and hearts as far as it is impossible in another way to unite the society, preserve the country and address the issues the country faces. The year of 2010 is drawing to its close. The first decade of the 21st century has literally flashed past. I am confident these years have been important and inimitable for the country’s development. The major achievement of the last ten years became the foundation of our state system, the formation of the nation, the evolvement of the morally-sound society, the development of a solid economic basement of the country, strengthening of a reliable system of the national security, Belarus’ recognition in the international arena. We have faced different problems these years. First of all, the financial economic crisis brought outside has tried us out. The election campaign was the second test that challenged the stability of our state. Certain powers made an attempt to use it in order to unhinge the country. But only due to your firmness, courage and discretion we were able to deal with the challenges of the new century. We defended our independence and this small piece of land in the center of Europe which name is Belarus. This is the land of our ancestors where our children are going to live. Dear Belarusians, We have a long way of creation ahead. Not only should we withstand, we should reach the international standards of development. Here we can count on ourselves only. Happy future of the Belarusian people heavily depends on our self-control, persistence and commitment. We need to get rid of a “small nationality” complex and realize that we are a nation that solve its own issues and mold Europe’s face. We have set forth ambitious goals; to become a highly-developed European country where people feel comfortable; to form a new Belarusian economy based on advanced knowledge and technologies; to join the list of fifty countries with the highest human development index. I am confident we will achieve these goals. Dear compatriots, While entering the year of 2011 someone will feel sad, someone will give up on the passing year… But no matter how we feel about it, this was our year, and no one can put it out of our lives. Let us wish the outgoing year a good run to the history. Let us look ahead, look to the future. I wish happy future to you, you relatives, your loved ones, your children. I wish health and long life to our elderly, a lot of smiles to our children. I wish our intellectuals and artists every success and inspiration, new achievements. I address my sincere gratitude to workers and farmers for their selfless work. You are the salt of our earth. My special greetings go to the military who stick to their duty, who are always ready to protect their Fatherland. I wish the youth to be the true patriots of their country and find the right path in their life. I wish everyone their wishes to come true. Let calmness, concord, sincerity and kindness reign in your homes. Let you work bring you success, satisfaction and gratitude of the people. Let us wish each other peace, good and happiness. Let love and wellbeing live in every family. Happy New Year, dear friends.

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