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31 October 2008

No crisis in Belarus, President says

In the present conditions Belarusian companies should be self-dependent instead of waiting for government aid, the press service of the head of state quoted President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as saying on October 31 as the President made several personnel decisions. “These days in view of the global crisis some managers are relaxed and think they can slack off. Seeing that in many countries money is accumulated and handed over to economic entities, our managers think: why don’t we try to dip in the gravy of some subventions or the budget? I’ve already warned ministers and the government: the state will not tolerate the parasitical approach of corporations regardless of their ownership form,” said Alexander Lukashenko. “In November we will look into the state of affairs or this or that company to see how we can help it. But as from December 1 companies should start returning the aid. You will have to return what you are offered to the state and the nation. This is why one shouldn’t think that they may recover their fortunes on the wake of the so-called crisis. Today one can count on themselves only. If some difficulties arise we will help those enterprises, which rely primarily on their personnel, own resources and reserves,” said the head of state. Alexander Lukashenko agreed with the opinion of some mass media, which say the ongoing global financial crisis can be useful to some extent. “But it is useful for the strong ones only. It is a trial, an exam for the economy, authority and top executives of companies. If the executives are worthy, they should survive the crisis. I warned members of the government: there is no crisis in the country and we are not going to talk about any crisis. Psychological factor is important for the economy. Nobody will be able to lull themselves away saying that the situation is difficult, it is a crisis, and performance can be reduced and salaries delayed. It is not acceptable,” stated the President. In his words, one should have a close look at corporate budgets and understand that manufacturing and salaries are the top priorities. Other secondary expenses should be cut down. “Many are having a hard time but we have to reach the outlined goals. Look for markets and promote products yourselves instead of staying home waiting for Russians to buy everything. Quick actions are required,” added the head of state.

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