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27 November 2012

No revolutions in Belarus, Lukashenko says

MINSK, 27 November (BelTA) – There is no scope for revolutions in Belarus, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko told Reuters on 26 November answering a question about a possibility of revolts in Belarus similar to those that swept across the Middle East, BelTA has learnt. “It will never happen. Belarus is not the Middle East. Do not compare Belarus’ policy with that of the Middle East. Some have already tried to heighten tensions here through social networks. Nothing came out of it and never will,” the President said. “If someone thinks that here (in Belarus – BelTA’s note) revolutionary changes will happen, they are wrong. The scope for revolutions in Belarus has been exhausted. Therefore we should get patient and carry out peaceful transformations in the interests of people. We welcome evolutionary, peaceful changes. There will not be any revolutions here,” Alexander Lukashenko said. Commenting on the criticism of the situation with human rights in Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko said that Belarus respects human rights as much as the West: “We have done and will do everything for people, and we will not lag behind you (the West – BelTA’s note) in this regard”. The President pointed to the access to various mass media sources. “It is impossible to block the access to mass media here. We broadcast all Russian TV channels, Euronews, CNN, and BBC, get a newswire of Reuters. Everybody has the Internet at home. Go ahead, open and read it,” the head of state said.

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