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21 October 2009

Nomination of candidates to Belarusian parliament by political parties to be simplified

MINSK, 21 October (BelTA) – The procedure of nominating candidates to the Belarusian parliament by political parties might be simplified, BelTA learnt from Lydia Yermoshina, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus. “Political parties seeking to put forward a candidate to the Belarusian parliament in a given constituency need to have an office in this constituency. We suggest removing this requirement from the legislation,” Lydia Yermoshina said. “The problem is that our political parties do not have a complex structure. At present they nominate very view candidates. Our proposal is meant to encourage them to put forward more candidates,” Lydia Yermoshina said. Thus during a rally a political party will be able to nominate candidates to the Belarusian parliament in all constituencies regardless of the presence of their offices there.

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