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1 October 2008

Over 20 major issues of Belarusian-Russian integration on agenda of Union Cabinet session

Over 20 most important issues regarding the Belarusian-Russian integration are on agenda of the session of the Union State Council of Ministers, which is scheduled to take place in Minsk on October 6, BelTA learnt from the Union State Permanent Committee. The number of topics for discussion includes trade and economic cooperation of Belarus and Russia, Union budget process, assessment and management of Union State assets, implementation of main avenues of the united scientific and technological space formation. There are also plans to consider measures meant to ensure the functioning of the regional military force of Belarus and Russia, creation of the united information space and development of draft scientific and technical programmes. The session will also sum up results of trade and economic cooperation between Belarus and Russia in H1 2008. The agenda of the session lists issues meant to step up the cooperation and make it more effective. “Belarus and Russia support enhancing Union programmes and projects in all avenues of Union development,” stressed the Permanent Committee. “It is convincingly demonstrated by the 2009 draft Union budget submitted to the Union State Council of Ministers. The budget’s volume has been increased by 20% in comparison with this year and now totals about RUB5 billion”. The Union State Council of Ministers is expected to consider proposals for working out several draft scientific and technical programmes. The number includes programmes for continued efforts to be channelled into manufacturing new-generation medications out of milk produced by transgenic animals, development of nano technologies for space systems. The session of the Union government is expected to spur the integration process and lay down the foundation for making important decisions, which can be forwarded for consideration to the next session of the Union State Supreme State Council.

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