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1 February 2010

Over third of territorial election commissions composed of representatives of parties, NGOs

MINSK, 1 February (BelTA) – Representatives of political parties and public associations make up over one third of territorial election commissions set up to hold elections to the local councils of deputies, Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission Lydia Yermoshina told a press conference on 1 February, BelTA has learnt. A total of 1,495 territorial election commissions have been formed to hold the elections to the local councils of deputies of the 26th convocation, including 6 oblast commissions, one Minsk municipal commission, 118 regional, 12 precinct (in the towns of oblast subordination), 14 precinct (in the towns of regional subordination) commissions, 56 election commissions in urban-type communities and 1,288 rural election commissions. The commissions include 11,697 members (or 90% of the applicants which number was 13,106). Over 52% of the members of the commissions were nominated by submitting applications. Representatives of labor collectives account for 12.8% of the commissions, political parties and public associations 35.3%. Under the Electoral Code, one third of the members of the election commissions should be composed of representatives of political parties and public associations. This requirement was completely fulfilled. Some 105 representatives of political parties (0.9% of all the members of the commissions) have been approved to work in the election commissions. Those are the Communist Party of Belarus (75 representatives), the Belarusian United Left Party Fair World (9), the Liberal Democratic Party (7), the Republican Party of Labor and Justice (5), the United Civil Party of Belarus (4), the Agrarian Party of Belarus (2) the Social Democratic Party Gramada (2), Social Sports Party (1). The number of party representatives is proportionate to the number of applications submitted by the parties: they have nominated 149 people or under 1.1% of all the applicants. The commissions include 4,024 representatives of public associations (or 34.4% of the total number of the members of the commissions). They include Belaya Rus (517), BRSM Youth Union (527), Belarusian Public Association of Veterans (303), the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus (1,882) and others (306).

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