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8 October 2008

Russian State Duma ratifies documents on formation of Customs Union with Belarus and Kazakhstan

On October 8, the State Duma of the Russian Federation ratified a package of documents on formation of the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament. The agreement on setting up the single customs area and forming the Customs Union signed by the presidents of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan during a session of the EurAsEC Interstate Council in Dushanbe on October 6, 2007 - is the key document which was ratified by the State Duma. According to the agreement, the Customs Union is identified as a form of the trade and economic integration which foresees the single customs area. The agreement identifies the list of the conditions which are necessary to adopt the decisions regarding the uniting of the customs areas of the three sides. At the same time, the countries-participants reserve the right to use special protective, antidumping and countervailing measures and also prohibitions and restrictions for import and export operations. The Russian State Duma also ratified the agreement on the Commission of the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. In line with the document, the Commission will become the permanent body of the Customs Union. The Commission will render assistance in adjustment of disputes within the framework of the Customs Union. Moreover, the Russian State Duma ratified two protocols. One of them concerns the introduction of alterations in the agreement on EurAsEC establishment. The other one concerns the order of entry into force of the international agreements aimed at forming the legal base of the Customs Union, withdrawal from them and accession to them.

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