Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



23 April 2008

Sergei Sidorsky: Belarus’ processing companies to get full refit within 2-3 years

Enterprises of Belarus’ processing industry will be fully refitted within the next 2-3 years, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky told media on April 23. The head of government was on a working visit to the Mogilev oblast. He was familiarised with the progress in implementing three major investment projects: construction of a plant for processing potatoes into starch in OAO Novaya Drut (Belynichi region), reconstruction and modernisation of OAO Bykhov Tinned and Dried Vegetables Factory, and Slavgorodsky Pishchevik. According to Sergei Sidorsky, there are plans to rebuild 24 production facilities similar to Bykhov’s as part of a relevant presidential decree. Funding has been allocated for this. “They will be modern closed-cycle plants: field – processing – packing,” remarked the Prime Minister. He stressed, for the tinned food industry it is now important “to link up raw stock producers and processing companies and set up agricultural holding companies, which should be interested in supplying quality raw stock to tinned food producers, while in turn after selling their make processing companies should be interested in sharing profits with the raw stock producers”. Sergei Sidorsky believes, selling merchandise is the second major task, as refitted processing companies will double the output up to 400 million standard cans. “Our trade system should work with future companies in mind while managers in charge of selling tinned products should reach for distribution networks abroad,” said the Premier.
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