Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



19 May 2009

Sergei Sidorsky: MILEX is trademark event of Belarus’ defence industry

The Fifth MILEX 2009 International Armaments and Materiel Expo is the trademark of the Belarusian defence industry, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky said when opening MILEX-2009 in Minsk. “MILEX is expected to give more international exposure to new technologies and achievements of Belarus’ defence sector and defence industries of other countries - participants of the exhibition,” the Prime Minister said. According to him, MILEX has become a traditional venue for meetings, searching for new partners, establishing contacts and concluding contracts. The goal of the forum is to showcase the latest achievements of Belarus in research, design, production and modernization of armaments and materiel. Sergei Sidorsky noted that the exhibition is aimed at introducing potential partners to the whole range of products made by the defence industry of Belarus which can make healthy competition to foreign defence sectors.

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