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3 December 2012

Unique Radziwill collection uncovered by Mir Castle experts

GRODNO, 3 December (BelTA) – Experts of the Mir Castle Complex Museum have uncovered a unique collection of the Radziwill family, BelTA learnt from the museum administration. The unique collection of portraits and items of decorative art, which belonged to the owners of Mir Castle in the 19th century, descendants of the Radziwill female line, was discovered as a result of lengthy research and search. The found objects are part of the legacy of Princess Stephanie, daughter of Prince Dominik Radziwill, the last direct descendant of the Nesvizh branch of the male line. The next owner of this collection was the son of Stephanie -Peter Wittgenstein, and then his sister, Princess Maria of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst, Chancellor of Germany's wife. With the assistance of the Culture Ministry we went on a business trip to Bavaria, to the Palace of Schillingsfurst, the owner of which, Prince Konstantin of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst, allowed us to get familiar with his collection, the candidate of historical sciences, Director of the Mir Castle Complex Museum Ms Olga Popko said. On site specialists learned that instead of the expected six portraits there were approximately 30 portraits of the Radziwill princes. Not all of them are on display in the private museum. The collection contains a lot of previously unknown portraits: Prince Karol Stanislaw Radziwill “Panie Kochanku”, Prince Dominik and his mother Princess Sophie. There were also a few portraits of Princess Stephanie. Until now, historians and art critics did not know how she looked. Experts have yet to figure out to which castles and palaces of the Radziwills the oldest portraits and items from this collection used to belong. At the moment the museum is negotiating with the Prince Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst a possibility of his visit to Mir Castle. A proposal was made to organize an exhibition of the German collection at Mir. The close research of the finds will help eliminate many blank spots in the fate of the Mir Castle owners. The discovery of this collection is one of the most significant events in the study of the history of the Radziwill and Wittgenstein Princes over the past few decades, historians believe. The find in Germany requires careful study and description. New materials will enrich the expositions in the Halls of the Princes Radziwill and Princes Wittgenstein in Mir Castle.

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