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4 June 2008

UNO hosts Belarusian photo exhibition

A Belarusian photo exhibition “Preventing human trafficking: strengthening cooperation and coordination of efforts” was opened in the UN headquarters in New York, BelTA was told in the Permanent Representative Office of the Republic Belarus at the United Nations. The photo exhibition was organized by the UN Belarusian mission and was timed for the human trafficking debate at the UN General Assembly on June 3. Attending the opening ceremony of the exhibition in the UN Secretariat were Foreign Minister of the UAE Anvar Gagash, the First Deputy UN Secretary General Asha-Rose Migiro, heads of UN missions of the member states of the organisations, UN Secretariat officers. Speeches were made by deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Belarus Natalia Patskevich and Deputy Director-General of the International Organization for Migration Ndioro Ndiaye. The exposition features the documents about the key events of international and national importance in the area of preventing human trafficking over the recent years. The exhibition tells about the Belarusian initiative to prevent human trafficking at the UNO summit in 2005 and puts a great emphasis on Belarus’ activity in that area and its cooperation with main partners such as the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UNICEF, OSCE and others. An eloquent example of effective partnership is the activity of the International Centre for Migration and Counteracting Human Trafficking established in Minsk in partnership with the IOM.
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