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26 November 2008

Valery Voronetsky: interest of German business in Belarus remains stable

The interest of the German business in Belarus is not falling in spite of the global financial crisis, BelTA learnt from Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Valery Voronetsky. “The interest in Belarus is not falling. Quite the opposite, the German business is showing a great interest in our country. Our cooperation potential is so huge that it has not been employed to the full extent. We are expecting an increase in the interest of the German business circles in Belarus. Our country offers new opportunities for German businessmen, especially in view of the liberalization of the economy and privatization”, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus underlined. He added that a substantial delegation of the German business circles is expected to arrive in Belarus in 2009. “We are hoping to step up the credit and investment cooperation,” he added. “In the Chinese language the word ‘crisis’ is written in two hieroglyphs which can be translated as ‘a big threat’ and ‘a big opportunity’. I am sure Belarus and Germany will be able to focus on great opportunities,” Valery Voronetsky said. “I hope that we open a new page in our relations,” Valery Voronetsky added. The FRG is one of Belarus’ major non-CIS trading partners. In January-September 2008, the Belarusian-German trade was up by 30.1% from the same period last year to $2,657 billion. Exports increased by 35% (до $636.5 million), imports by 28.7% ($2,021 billion). Since 1992 Belarusian companies have raised the loans to the tune of EUR 550 million under the German credit facilities. In January-September 2008, the German investments in Belarus amounted to $73.3 million, including $58.3 million of direct investment. There are 338 companies in Belarus involving German capital and 76 offices of German firms. Six offices of Belarusian companies operate in Germany.

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