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5 June 2008

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to visit Belarus June 18-22

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone will pay a visit to Belarus for the first time, Metropolitan Tadeusz Kondrusewicz, the Archbishop of Minsk and Mogilev, told a press conference in Minsk on June 6. The visit of the Vatican official will be held on June 18-22. During the visit to Belarus, Tarcisio Bertone will visit Minsk, Pinsk and Grodno. The religious part of his visit to Belarus includes his meeting with members of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Belarus, a visit to Caritas Centre, the St. Simon and Helen Catholic Church. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone will consecrate the St. John the Baptist Catholic Church which is being constructed in Minsk now. The Cardinal will give a lecture to students of Belarus State University. On June 22 – the Day of the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War – he will lay flowers on the monument in Victory Square. During the final of his visit to Belarus, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone will hold a press conference. In turn, Plenipotentiary Representative for Religions and Nationalities Vladimir Lameko noted that the state and the Roman Catholic Church fruitfully cooperate and carry out a lot of interesting humanitarian projects. Vladimir Lameko noted the international festival Magutny Bozha in Mogilev and the research conference which is held in Vitebsk Medical University. According to him, 14% of the Belarusian believers are members of the Roman Catholic Church.
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