Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3


Main Business For an Investor Why Narovlya district

Why Narovlya district

Attractiveness of Narovlya district 


Narovlya district is located in the southern part of the Gomel region. The area of the district is 1 588, 7 square kilometers. The district borders with Yelsk, Mozyr and Khoiniki districts of the Gomel region, in the south with the Zhytomyr and Kiev regions of the Ukraine.

The population of Narovlya district was 10,727 people at the beginning of 2021.

On the territory of the district flows the Pripyat River with its tributaries the Narovlyanka, Mytva, Slovechno, Zhelon. There are many lakes in the floodplain of the Pripyat. There are many minerals, brick and tile raw materials (1.2% of the region's reserves), building and silicate sands (0.2%), sinter raw materials (68.7%), underground fresh water (1.1%), peat. Scientific studies indicate the existence of oil and gas. 66.2% of Narovlya is under forest.

Narovlya district is included in the Polessk-Turov tourist zone. There is a state environmental protection research institution "Polessky State Radiation and Environmental Reserve" on the territory of the district (64.1 thousand hectares or 29.5% of the reserve territory), which occupies 40% of the district territory. The natural water and wetland ecosystems have a significant recreational and tourist potential.

Architectural resources of the district are the church of Paraskeva of the XVIII century in the village of Verbovichi, the Palace and Park complex of the Gorvatts of the XIX century, a Bronze age settlement near Narovlya. The main attraction of Narovlya is the historical and ethnographic museum. This building was built at the end of the XIX century and is considered a monument of wooden architecture. One of the halls of the museum is dedicated to the theme of Chernobyl, here in the centre is the "Tree of Life".

The economic complex of the district has an industrial and agricultural orientation. Of the total area of the district, agricultural land occupies 18,311 hectares (11.5 percent of the land of the Narovlya district), including arable land -12,781 hectares (69.8%), meadow - 5,421 hectares (29.6%), of which 3,860 hectares are improved, 105 hectares are under permanent crops. The arable land score is 28.4.

The agriculture of the district is represented by 2 enterprises (KUE "Vladimirovsky-Golovchitsy", KRSUE "Bratstvo") and 4 peasant farms. The specialization of agricultural organizations, which located on the territory of the district is dairy and meat cattle with a developed grain production.

Forestry activities in the Narovlya district are carried out by the state specialized forestry institution "Narovlya special forestry enterprise". The total land area of the forest is 70,510 hectares, 58,974 hectares are covered with forest, and the total wood reserves amount to 13.2 million cubic meters, ripe and overgrown plantations -3.2 million cubic meters.

The industry of the district is represented by 3 industrial enterprises: OIC "Krasny Mozyryanin", OIC "Narovlya plant of hydraulic equipment", KUE "Zhilkomstroy" of Narovlya.

KUE "Zhilkomstroy" of Narovlya uses fresh underground water with a production volume of 729.7 thousand m3 per year in 2019.

There are 163 small and medium-sized businesses in the district (52 micro-and small organizations, 5 medium-sized businesses, 111 individual entrepreneurs).

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